We were having leftover "fondue" from Valentines Day. I pulled out all the things we had had- graham crackers, marshmallows, fruit, etc. In horror, Tate screams, "Where are the Cream Puffs?". We had to tell the distraught boy that those words would never come out of a little African boy's mouth.
The next night when we sat down to dinner (we were having leftover Hungarian goulash) Marissa said in total disgust, "Ugh Mom, we had this last night for dinner!" As if I was not aware of it- she had to let me know this was not acceptable. I honestly think she was thinking that if she said this I might realize my gross mistake and whip up something new for dinner.
Okay- so my kids are a little spoiled in the food arena. I must, however, say that it is just about the cutest thing now when Marissa asks what we are having for dinner. She keeps reminding me she does not like "Gou-wash". It is funny to hear that from a 3 year old.