Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hair commentary

I got my haircut. I was going through a little vanity crisis when I asked Tate while I was tucking him into bed if he liked my hair better short or long. This was his EXACT answer. "Ya know, Mom, some women have their hair short when they would look better with it long. Some moms have long hair when it would look better short. But you, Mom, look beautiful whichever way you have your hair- short OR long." Hmmmm.... I'm not sure where he learned to come up with an answer like that, but I doubt he will ever go to the prom alone.

Not vegetarians

Every night we come to dinner Marissa has one question, "So, Mom, what animal are we eating tonight?"


Garett told me today that I was like an air conditioner and he was like a vaccuum. I just blow my information all over the place and he sucked it all up. Nothing like being compared to an appliance on Mother's Day!

Mom's dinner

The kids were busy at work with Kevin (not shown) cooking up a fantastic Mother's Day Dinner. We had grilled asparagus, capellini pomodoro with fresh basil, and Bananas Foster. The kids love to have jobs in the kitchen! They wouldn't let me help- they put me in Mother's Day Prison- which meant I was supposed to go lay down and take a nap while they made dinner. Okay!

Cindy's Sweater

I told this sweet lady, Cindy, from church that I liked her sweater about a month ago. She told me she got it at the Eddie Bauer outlet about 30 minutes away. I went there looking for it but it had gone off sale, so I decided not to buy it. She later asked me if I had gotten the sweater and I told her that I had not. She showed up at church today with this sweater in a gift bag for me. She said she had fun picking it out. Can you believe someone would do that? It is the perfect size and color and I love it.

Mother's Day with Tate, Garett and Marissa! What a great day!


Tate playing Goalie for his soccer team, the Purple Dragons.

Pollen Eyes

No. I did not beat up my little girl. The pollen does that all on its own. Marissa has been the hardest hit this year with allergies.

I caught Garett being sly and trying to sneak out the back door to play outside at 8am dressed like this!

Revenge of the Six-Armed Monster!

Tate's Business Card

One of Daddy's special treats almost devoured.

Harry Potter

Tate is basking in the glory of Harry Potter after finishing the seventh novel. He is proud of himself and ready to dive into new books.

Gator Glory

Marissa is enjoying a ride without her brothers hanging around. She is really into driving all by herself with "no help".

Indian Artifacts

Tate is always on the hunt for an authentic discovery. Hopefully the Museum will write him back!

This is Marissa Carol before school one day.

Missy and Mommy

This is life through the lens of a six-year-old camera boy.

Tate and me sitting outside on the front porch.

Gruesome Grub

 Garett was thrilled with his new cookbook from Grandma and Grandad titled "Gruesome Grub and Disgusting Dishes" and his new personalized apron.

Carrot Man

This is a scene drawn by Tate of "Carrot Man" robbing a bank and being stopped by "Carrot Police". So cute!