Thursday, March 18, 2010

The big Chili Cook-down

I have been busy planning a Mom's retreat with my friend, Jen. So fun, huh? I told Tate about it and he was trying to figure out what moms do at "retreats". He said, "so, is it like...a big chili Cook-down or something?" I think he meant a "Cook-off"- either way- it was soooo funny! The thought of a bunch of moms getting together whose idea of fun is to have a "Cook-down".


This is what I love about my daughter.

I have had a LONG day. I have just finished teaching, doing dishes, straightening the house, putting away all the laundry and ironing. She brings me a water balloon to tie. Do you know what her next request of me is? "Mom, will you put on a bathing suit and come outside so I can throw this water balloon at you?"

Monday, March 08, 2010

Mr. Studious

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

An interesting way to get out of chores

The other funny thing Garett did the other day-

He was unloading the dishwasher for me. When I walked by and noticed that one of the glasses he pulled out wasn't entirely clean, I told him he didn't have to put that one away. A few minutes later, I noticed all our dishes just setting out on the counter and asked Garett why he hadn't put them away. He said, "They weren't clean enough. You're gonna have to rewash them"

3 Dagnabits

Garett came to me with a very cool invention he had made out of pvc pipe. He had worked hard on it and said that it was only a "3 Dagnabit" job.