Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Give It Up

Marissa just walked up to me and said, "I know the Tooth Fairy is not real. How can she give money to all those kids that lose teeth every night? Give it up!"

Wow! My daughter was six last time I checked!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Like Mother Like Son

My son walked up to me today and said, "I need a nose wiper thingee."

"You mean a Kleenex?" I asked.


The kids created BFC today. That stands for Button Family City. They stripped their beds, pushed mattresses together, created tunnels and forts. They manipulated their pillows and sheets to create areas.

The best part, though, is that they created a Constitution and held elections and made laws. Garett was elected Mayor and Judge, Marissa was the policeman and Tate was the City Planner. They created a system of taxes that was above my level of understanding. I did appreciate their style of democracy: they all had to put their hands in a circle and agree to whatever "amendments" to the Constitution was proposed. So far, every amendment has passed. They each had to govern their own "areas" but were allowed to sell "passes" for 3 cents. They even made up some free passes to hand out to each other.

It became very complex when both boys decided to create hotels in their "areas" and tried to get business from Marissa. Tate offered a buy one night, get another night free but Garett outbid him when he offered the same thing with an additional incentive: a free massage.

They are all snuggled down in their areas and hotels and sound asleep. We'll see what Mother Democracy has in store for them tomorrow.


Marissa was reading some words that ended in ender. I can't remember them, but it was something like bender, calendar, etc. She got to one that she couldn't figure out and called it "No-clue-ender". I thought that was hilarious!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marissa's 1st lost tooth...finally.

On Monday, April 19th, at age 6 1/2, Marissa finally lost her first tooth. It was quite an occasion. After much tugging and slipping and fruitless yanks of the dental floss, this baby girl is not such a baby anymore! She is a certified kid...and one dollar richer.
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Garett's first night as a Cub Scout. I know it is crazy, but I nearly cried. I've never had such a strong desire to join Scouts myself! Oh, and he would have been eternally mortified had I stayed. He is just beaming in this picture. Love this Scout!
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I decided to entice them to come out. Ha! You can see they were considering my offer.
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Barricaded Buttons

Garett and Marissa thought they were soooo clever to barricade themselves in the family room right before school.
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Missionary Dinner

We serve dinner to the missionaries of our church about once a month. These elders have been especially fun for our kids.
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That darn tooth just wouldn't come out!

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1st Attempt at Losing a Tooth

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Blackberry Creme Brulee by Kevin

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Roasted Vegetable Salad by Kevin

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A happy birthday boy plays Legos!

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Birthday Planning Meeting

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Mom loves Eight Year Olds!

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Transformers Birthday

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Garett's Birthday Party

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Garett's 8th Birthday Party.
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I'm not great at organizing chores for our family. My kids are usually pretty good at doing one or two things, but it is hard to get them to do all the things that I need them to do. I have found that if I give the kids chores to do, they will do the first one I tell them and then magically forget all the rest of the things that I told them to do. I'm determined to fix this! So I tried a new strategy here and it worked!!! I wrote the list of things that I wanted them to do and they brought me back the list organized and checked off. I was soooo impressed and pleased with their hard work and that they didn't "forget" any of the chores that I had given to them.
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Tate is a good student.

I'm so proud of my boy. This is him memorizing the Symbolum Apostolicum (Apostle's Creed) in Latin.
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Tate, totally stumped

I color code the kids' eggs and hide them based on their ability to find them. Marissa's eggs are almost totally exposed while Tate's are the most difficult to find. Apparently, I hid Tate's eggs really, really well. Maybe too well.
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Easter Egg Hunt

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have iPhone love!

Friday, April 09, 2010


Fabulous dinner we made last night! Sooooo easy!


Ganging Weight

Marissa was learning the word "gang" from a book and wanted to know what it meant. "Is it like 'ganing' weight?" she asked. I had to laugh!