Monday, December 21, 2009

"B" Lasagna

I slaved over a pan of lasagna and told the kids that they could praise it or say nothing at all. I was pretty sure they would not like it because they usually do not like lasagna. They were very slow in eating it. Tate finally said, "Well, Mom. It is strongly flavored." Garett then turned to Tate and asked, "In a g way or a b way?" "In a B way."

I had to laugh!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Garett was going to bed one night last week. I was tucking him into bed. We had had a normal day and the next day was scheduled to be kind of routine as well. This is what he said to me, though. "Goodnight, Mom. I'm excited about tomorrow."

I love that children don't need fireworks or other shenanigans to be happy. They just need a good home with warm and happy feelings and memories to look forward to making. It warmed my heart that he is having the kind of childhood that is free from adult worries and stresses. He still looks forward each and every day to the next day and all the possibilities that it might bring.

Christmas Tree Pie

Christmas tree pie is our tradition on the night we bring home our Christmas tree.
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My boys

A picture is worth a million words. Let me tell you what this picture means. This is a picture about two little boys who are like twins in some ways, and then like polar opposites in other ways. Tate spent his morning doing laundry of his own free will. He wanted to help me, but he was also motivated to get his clothes clean. He really is into having nice, clean clothes. Looking nice is very important to him. He wanted to come to school looking his best. Garett, on the other hand, had spent his morning before school outside playing in the snow. When I dragged him in to get started with school, he said he was cold and tired. So, he came to school in his underwear, covered himself with his robe as a blanket, and grabbed a pillow so he could "rest" during school. Today, they were polar opposites.

Play, Play, Play

These are the pictures that Garett and Marissa took of Dad.
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Work, work, work

Kevin had to have a picture for work. This is the picture I took.
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Plumes of Fun

Tate made Marissa a headdress with a plume (a Tootsie Pop).
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Health Food

They decided to make their own sandwiches. Health food is what Garett picked! Ha!
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My Little Beauty

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This is our third year at the Annual Christmas Craft Faire at our Homeschool Group. We embroidered some cloth napkins with the word "thankerchief" on them. Then, we decorated our table like a Thanksgiving or Christmas table. The kids showed our "customers" how to play "thankerchief" at Thanksgiving. While you pass the napkin, you say "thankerchief, thankerchief, round you go. Where you'll stop, nobody knows. But when you do, someone must say- What they are thankful for this day!" When the thankerchief lands in your hands, you have to say what you are thankful for. They had some good sales, enough to buy each other presents from other vendors. Tate was the most amazing salesman! We were cracking up at how motivated he was by sales.
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I really didn't want to know where she got it.
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Tate wanted to dress up the same as Garett. He painstakingly laid out their clothes the night before so that every last detail of their clothing would match. Garett was a good sport. These boys love each other. It is so cool!
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O Christmas Tree!

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Gang Train

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Soupy Sunday

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