Sunday, April 29, 2012


I gave Tate some math problems to do before lunch. He glared at me. He thought about what he could possibly say to get me to change my mind.

And then he said, "...and you call yourself a Christian?"


Marissa's Letter

Marissa's letter to me after a particularly trying day.

"I have been grumpy, sad, and mean yet you bless me and help me and feed me and comfort me and have mother love toward me.  Thank you!  Love, Marissa"

My favorite part is the "mother love toward me".  She has no idea until she has a daughter of her own!

Admiring His Handiwork


I was not feeling well one day.  After waking from a nap, I came downstairs to lots and lots of "I love you" and "Get well soon" signs painted by Marissa.  My favorite was the "You are like Sacagawea" sign.  I was quite flattered.  

Tree Top

Does the fact that I did not take this picture nor did I know when or how this picture was taken scare anyone?  

Dear Tate

I exchanged Apple t.v. for a keyboard and stand for our iPad so that Tate could get his writing done when the computer was being used for something else. I left him a note on the iPad and he responded. See below.

Dear Tate,

I hope you like this new keyboard. I think this could really work for your school projects. It will allow you to work on your writing at times when the Mac is not available.


Mom and Dad

Dear Beloved Parents,

It looks, sounds, and is amazing. I think that Mom made the right choice with the whole exchange thingymajigger. That keyboard and I are going to have some good times together. It still has that "new fancy thing" smell!


Tate (the awesome)

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Go Big Blue

Fans of the NCAA champions.  


This ice cream is the best ever.  Wicker Park in Chicago.  It starts as cream and is made into ice cream in a matter of minutes behind the counter.  

Polar Bear

How many times have I ever posted a picture of anything other than our kids?  Rarely.  But this polar bear at the zoo was THE coolest thing ever.  He swam around trying to play with this plastic barrel forever.  We couldn't get over it.  It felt like he was putting on a show for us.  

Lincoln Park Zoo

Lincoln Park Zoo

We're Done with That

Garett had been ignoring me when I asked him to do things. Not in an obstinate way- just a forgetful way. He would intend to do what I had said, but he would fall short of actually accomplishing it. Fed up, I told him we were not doing that anymore. I told him that we were going to start right then and there and when I asked him to do something, he was to stop whatever he was doing IMMEDIATELY and do the thing I asked. We did this for about a week. Tonight I asked him to do something and he didn't do it. I reminded him of our new arrangement of doing the thing I asked immediately. His response? "Oh, I thought we were done with that." He thought we were back to business as usual!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Tate and I were having a conversation about something he didn't want to do.  We went back and forth, me trying to convince him to do the hard thing, he emphasizing how much he did NOT want to do the thing I was asking him to do.

I told him, we do things that are hard because they develop our character.

He responded, "Mom,  I have character.  I have more character than I know what to do with.  I have character coming out my ears.  I have character to spare!"

Despite the conversation, he developed a little more "character" that day.  

Volume anyone?

My Birthday

 I saw a lady who was wearing a lovely top and I told Kevin about it.     Being the eager-to-please husband that he is, he took a picture of it so he could remember what it looked like.  As we were leaving, I asked her where she got it.  She said Macy's and even shared the label.  
Well, I had totally forgotten about it but last night, for my birthday, I opened this box and it had the top in it with a copy of the picture he had taken that night.  Isn't that hilarious?
Kevin apologized that he couldn't find it in the green, but the kind lady said she had the pink and green and that she liked the pink the best.  

Like Father Like Sons




They find themselves so clever. Thinking they got the best of me.
They barricade themselves in the piano room with snacks, games and

But I think the joke is on them. I have the whole morning to myself! :D

Garett's Birthday

Breakfast in bed and blue and white cake in honor of NCAA Champions: UK.

Grandad and Little Missy

Marissa is in love with her new pink scarf and cant' get enough pink lately.

Grandma and Grandad Button

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Me and My Boy

Marissa's First Pedicure

Marissa's First Pedicure

Post-it Attack

We filled up every shred of paper we could find in our car to write out love notes to Kevin and set them on his car at his work.  It was so fun!

Clothes Shopping

I don't think Marissa had ever picked out her own clothes when shopping.  I have a pretty firm idea about what I want her to wear and buy it and bring it home for her.  She went out with me one day and picked out some things that SHE wanted.  It was so cute to see what she wanted.  I would never have picked these two dresses out, but she looks darling in them and had a smile from ear to ear that she got to pick out her own clothes!

Fancy Dinner

Marissa made a fancy dinner for Kevin and me for our anniversary.  It was very sweet!

Lady Antebellum Concert for our anniversary! 16 years!

Red Dinner for Valentines

Pinewood Derby

Garett won the award for Most Patriotic!

Homemade Root Beer from Dry Ice

Tate's Dry Ice Experiment

Blue and Gold Banquet

Garett pulled out the Excalibur from the Stone.  He became "king" for the night.