Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marissa and Tana

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Marissa and Tana

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Marissa and Tana

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Snack Shack

The kids have been on me to get better snacks in the house. Apparently an apple is just not good enough. I shocked them to the core when I came home with lots of special requests. I came back in the house from unloading the last of the groceries and Garett had gathered all the precious boxes of snacks and put them in a pile to admire them. It was just so funny!
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Hotel Del Coronado

We saw 8 brides on the beach getting married or just having gotten married. Crazy!
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All the Wonderful Discoveries We Found on our Own in the "Wild" on the Island


Lots of crab


Garett on Coronado Island

Mormon Battalion

It was fascinating to learn about the history of the Mormons in their trek west and how they helped to build San Diego. 

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Leopard Sharks

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Discovery Channel

Apparently, we don't have Discovery Channel at home. I had no idea this served as a great void in Garett's life. I'm not sure what he liked better- Sea World or Discovery Channel.
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Here is Garett- ready to take on all marine life in the Pacific Ocean!
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Birch Aquarium overlooking La Jolla Beach

Sea World- Starfish and Sky Rider

Sea World

Garett loved the "Sea Lions Live" Show at Sea World.  He laughed through the whole show.  He particularly loved the character "Bif" who really knew how to work the crowd.  The picture of him with blonde/black hair is a little one-man ditty he performed of "Greece".  Garett also liked how the sea lions could carry a basketball on their nose the whole length of the pool.  It was amazing!

San Diego Trip with Garett- The USS Midway

Garett and I got to go on our Mommy-Son Trip this year.  He chose San Diego in an effort to snorkel with leopard sharks.  Our first day, we visited the Navy aircraft carrier, USS Midway and learned about Navy life.  He loved the buttons and knobs and was amazed at how much a sailor must know to operate the ship.  He loved getting in the planes and sitting in the Admiral's seat and seeing that he got the best food on the ship!  I think he would like to be an Admiral so he can eat all the apple pie a la mode he wants!  

6:40a.m. Candlelight Tea Party

Marissa and her little friend woke up early in the morning to have a candlelight tea party with strawberry muffins and fruit loops. They decided we should use the fancy napkins (as opposed to the normal ones- paper towels). Candles before 7 a.m. was a little odd for me, but how can you not embrace everything two little girls want to do!
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