Friday, April 22, 2011

April Fools Day

Tate was TOTALLY into April Fools Day this year. He worked out a plan with Garett to get up at 5am in order to set up all their pranks. Yes- I woke up at 5 something to hear giggly boys in my kitchen. The one that totally got me was the milk jug. Tate poured the milk into a different container and then cut the bottom out of the container so that when I went to get my milk, it had no bottom! He poked holes in my egg shells and drained the eggs out of their shells. The boys toilet papered Marissa's stuffed animals. Oh. But there was sweet revenge. I told them on Friday night (April 1st) that they had to stay in bed until 7:30am the next morning. NO GETTING OUT OF BED BEFORE 7:30am because I was SO tired from getting up at 5 am that morning. I turned all the clocks in the house back by two hours. Oh, it was a glorious morning!!! They actually fell for it. I finally spilled the beans at about 8am (they thought it was 6am). You should have seen their faces and heard their yells! Totally worth it.