Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tate's Essay About Dad

My Dad

Though my dad isn’t ten feet tall with a booming voice, he is a giant at heart.   He sacrifices much of his time in order to support his family.    Despite having to spend many hours at work, he still finds time to encourage and uplift us, teach us about important principles, and have fun family time.
  A outstanding thing about my dad is that he is really encouraging and uplifting.  He uses his time to go to basketball and soccer games for me and my brother instead of doing other things he wants to do.    With sports, he points out where we excel, what we need to practice, and how to execute.  For instance,  after watching me play basketball a couple weeks ago, Dad noticed that I was shooting with both hands instead of one.  He happily made a special effort to take me to a gym to practice shooting using one hand as a guide while using the other to generate the power.   He takes time to explain things we don’t understand about sports, politics, religion, and other life lessons.   I wouldn’t understand concepts like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae or our American debt to China if he hadn’t explained it to me.  When the Egyptian political crisis emerged, Dad was the first one I approached to answer questions about President Mubarak.  My dad really cares about us and wants to spend time having fun together.  He loves to play board games and other games with us.  He is making it a tradition to build a snow fort for us every year.  He spends a lot of time piling up snow in a big mound so we can pack it down and spend a long, fun afternoon digging out the inside to form a snow fort.  This year, upon its completion, he brought hot chocolate and popcorn to us in the snow fort while he read a chapter from The Chronicles of Narnia.  Although Dad makes us eat our bananas, he loves to take us to Culver’s.    He introduced the intoxicating ice cream flavor mint chocolate chip. Mint Chocolate Chip Concrete Mixers are a family favorite thanks to him!  While Mom follows boring recipes, Dad lets us make “pantry shrimp” using whatever spices we can find. I have to admit, it’s one of the best foods I’ve ever eaten. 
My dad is fantastic.  All the time he spends with his family proves how much he loves us.  He exercises great care for us as he shares words of encouragement, teaches us things we don`t learn in school, and spends time with us having fun.  Most important of all, he does these things to show he loves his family.