Thursday, February 18, 2010
Valentine's Day
Red Dinner with our neighbors. I totally forgot to put Marissa in her red outfit! Yikes! You can't really tell that all our food was red. I made this great Pasta and dyed it red. We had red butter and bread. I made a Briami with lots of tomatoes and we had a Tomato and Spinach Soup. For dessert, we ate a Layered Trifle with Strawberries and Red Whipped Cream.
Rice and Gatorade
Garett and Marissa have nicknamed each other "Gatorade" and "Rice". After Marissa and I came home from our trip to see my Dad in Kentucky, Garett called out to Marissa to come give him a hug. He said, "Come here. I've been hungry for my rice!" She replied, "I'm coming because I've been thirsty for my Gatorade!"
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Self timer
Tate REALLY wanted to put the camera on a timer to take a picture of all of us today. I can't believe he got it to work! I can't even figure out how to get that feature to work! Yea!!! A picture to mark where we were on February 3, 2010!!!
Garett will hate me for this one day!
Reading Cake
Marissa finished her reading lesson book. She very gently reminded me that I had made Garett a cake to celebrate his completion of the reading lesson book. So- here it is! Didn't she do a lovely job decorating it?
Northwestern vs. Illinois
Dad set us up with great seats at the Northwestern vs. Illinois basketball game for his birthday. The Cats won!
It might not seem like a big deal, but to me it is everything. To be a good mother and influence my children to have Godly values and to foster a relationship with each one of them where they can learn and grow and reach their full potential. I am so grateful to be home with them to catch those questions and encourage their pondering of important principles.