I made dinner tonight. I knew it would be one the kids would not jump for joy over. So I made this really big speech as they were sitting down about not complaining, not saying even one mean thing about dinner. I instructed them to say nothing if they didn't like it. I encouraged them to think of one nice thing to say about dinner. Even if it just meant saying something like "Thanks for a hot dinner, Mom".
Garett was a good sport. He could barely muster up the strength to eat half of it. After he did, he said, "Mom, this is great. Can we have this again another night?" (Wasn't that sweet?)
Marissa did not say a word. She had been warned. Yet, I had not warned them not to make facial expressions. She expressed herself quite candidly in the face.
Tate was the one that got me. He was so pensive. He took what I said to heart and he was NOT about to complain. He didn't say anything for the longest time. He sat and ate his dinner and finally he revealed his thoughts through his question to me, "Mom, does poison kill you right away?" He was "dead" serious.