Thursday, May 31, 2007

Marissa loves to wear Shelby's shoes!

The Book Bug

I told Tate he got bitten by the book bug! It is so true! He is addicted to reading books (finally!). He has always loved me to read them to him but he has finally started picking them up to read to HIMSELF! That has been one of my goals for him for the last 2 years and it has finally happened!!! I seriously get emotional every time I see him just having picked up a book of his own free accord!

1st day of summer vacation.

Summer vacation. 9am. Playdough smushed into the carpet. I'm going to have to find some creative solutions to housekeeping!

First day of summer vacation. 9am. My house might not
recover from this summer.

Tate's vehicular invention

Tate figured out he could bungee cord his little red wagon to
his bike and give his stuffed animals a ride around the house
while we were getting ready for the party. This was his way
of "staying busy" so he didn't get extra chores in preparation
for our party!

Come by for Pie Party

Memorial Day

Am I the biggest dork for taking a picture of our getting ready for our Pie Party on Memorial Day? We had a good turnout- over 50 neighbors "came by for pie".

Playing with the cat


Well, every family has to endure a stray cat situation, right? Kevin's cat was Max. Our's is Rosie (what, you never heard of a white cat called Rosie?). Rosie showed up about 2 weeks ago and simply won't go away. We have not fed her. We did, however, make the fateful mistake of petting her. This has been bad in 2 ways. 1) She now likes the attention and won't leave and 2) I think Garett is allergic to her.

Running for the bus... one last time!

Freaky Freaky Friday

The last day of school!

Sauntering down the driveway one last time to catch the bus.

Tate's last day of 1st grade. We are at the end of our driveway waiting for our bus.

Marissa graduating from one hour preschool.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Come by for Pie Invitations

I have grown more and more adverse to paper craft projects because they seem to eat up my time. Yet, I got really excited to have a "Come by for Pie" party for all the neighbors on my street- so I took a few minutes to make a poem and invitation. Because this may be the last thing I ever create- I decided to take a picture!

Marissa's new dress

Momo made Marissa and her baby, Shanna, a new dress. It has ruffles in the back and Marissa is in love with twirling. Who knew I would have a little girl who liked ruffles and twirls?

Playdough Jewelry

Tate was pretty proud of his newly created jewelry. Not that you can tell from his face or anything...

Check out these 2 pictures- Garett has a new pose for his pictures.

In this photo, Garett is showing off his sister's swimwear from last year. It was a wee small.

Kevin's new convertible!

It's a Bird, it's a plane....

I can't find Garett. I'm walking around outside looking for him and I hear a "Hi Mom". It didn't come from behind me, it didn't come from in front of me. It came from above me and from down the driveway. That little speck in the first picture is Garett climbing the tree at the bottom of the driveway. Sooooooo...we had to establish a few rules about tree climbing.

A picture of Tate and his card for his school nurse on Nurse's Day.
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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dijon Chicken and Pasta with Broccoli

I made dinner tonight. I knew it would be one the kids would not jump for joy over. So I made this really big speech as they were sitting down about not complaining, not saying even one mean thing about dinner. I instructed them to say nothing if they didn't like it. I encouraged them to think of one nice thing to say about dinner. Even if it just meant saying something like "Thanks for a hot dinner, Mom".

Garett was a good sport. He could barely muster up the strength to eat half of it. After he did, he said, "Mom, this is great. Can we have this again another night?" (Wasn't that sweet?)

Marissa did not say a word. She had been warned. Yet, I had not warned them not to make facial expressions. She expressed herself quite candidly in the face.

Tate was the one that got me. He was so pensive. He took what I said to heart and he was NOT about to complain. He didn't say anything for the longest time. He sat and ate his dinner and finally he revealed his thoughts through his question to me, "Mom, does poison kill you right away?" He was "dead" serious.


Garett gave a big burp (despite how hard I am trying to get him to burp on the "inside") and said, "Well, that was an effective burp!"

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My new curtains and old/new cabinet for the Mud Room

The Gator

Marissa grabbed her goldfish (in the white container) and hopped on her Gator. She would pause from "high gear" and shove a handful of goldfish in her mouth and scoot on. It was very cute!

Tate's letter

Tate had disobeyed Kevin by wearing some boots that Kevin had told him not to wear. He got a few extra chores to do and had to write Kevin a letter. This was his letter he left on Kevin's pillow. We have no idea where he got the word naughty- we have NEVER used that word with our children. So when we got this "notty" letter we were rolling!

"The Wolf Who Cried Boy"

Tate had to read a book to his class so he picked this one. This is the first time he actually sat down and read a whole book to his brother and sister. I think this assignment finally gave him confidence to read out loud to others because last night (for the first time) he read them a book about lizards. I was sooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!

Marissa- Frog Lover

Who Rules Shanghai?

Happy and Sad... all in about 1 minute.

Tulip Festival Weekend with my friend Dawn in Chicago

Tate's invention

Garett's Field Trip to Petco

Marissa and me at the Gym Show

Tate's Gym Show

Manic Mom Family Night

D.J. (otherwise known as Dante Junior)