Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Tate follows me around the house with water. He has figured out that I like to sip on water through the day, so he is ALWAYS getting me fresh water. The other day, I came up from the basement at about 7am after having worked out to find a cup of water with a “Fresh” sign on it. What 14 year old boy does that? Tate.
Obeying God
Tate had to write a persuasive essay on any topic he chose. He chose to write about how homeschooled teens should be allowed to have an Instagram account. One of his points was: “God made us social creatures. Genesis
2:18 confirms this, saying, “And the Lord God said,
‘It is not good that the man
should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.’ ” Adam needed social
interaction, and we are his descendants. We are in need of the same social contact.
We should obey God and seek out social opportunities where they are presented.
I just thought his conclusion was priceless: Parents allowing kids to get Instagram is really obeying God!
I just thought his conclusion was priceless: Parents allowing kids to get Instagram is really obeying God!
Muffins with Mom
Weeeeeeellllll. It was Muffins with Mom Day at school. Yep. Totally forgot.
So when I realized it, I had to make some arrangements. I called our cupcakery and asked if they could top our favorite cupcakes with our names and put them in the display case so that I could surprise Marissa with Cupcakes with Mom. When we walked in and she saw them on display with all the other cupcakes, she was so surprised and excited!! Why eat muffins anyway when you can have cupcakes?
Purdue University
Tate LOVED this riddle which was posted outside an honor student’s dorm room. Of course, he solved it! :)
Kevin and I have been trying to expose the kids to various universities. Over Spring Break, I took the kids to see our neighbor’s son, Zach, at Purdue University. Zach was a fabulous host- even taking us to the dining hall for lunch and to his favorite study hall (pictured above). He studies in the residence hall where Amelia Earhart lived. We even got to see her old office!