Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This is the song Marissa is singing today:

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.
Down in my heart.
Down in my heart.
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.
Down in my heart, Tuesday. 

And I'm so happy....
so very happy....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Marissa...the Model

Marissa got an opportunity to pose for some promotional materials for the barn where she takes horseback riding lessons.  This poster was on display at the local saddle shop in the window.  You can barely see it because of the glare, but we were thrilled!

Tate's Big Fish Fry

This is the fried fare from a big day of fishing with Dad.

Beauty Queen

Marissa was trying on my dress from a Miss Pre-Teen Pageant.  She needs to do a little growing to get it to fit!

Life is Good

Garett was on a walk with me talking about his life.  He said, "I have everything I need right now.  I'm happy."

Isn't that great?


I just got my hair cut.  I asked Tate, "how does my hair look?"  He responds, "You know, Mom, it looks kind of like your mama was a bear."  

Zucchini Love

Tate:  How much zucchini do I have to eat?

Me:  All of it.

Tate:  All of it?  Why?

Me:  Because I love you.

Tate:  I hate it when you love me.