Saturday, January 23, 2010
Apples to apples
My sister-in-law, Bethany, gave me this awesome idea for a Family Night. We had an apple tasting event. We put 7 apples on numbered plates and put the little sticker (the one that comes on the apple) underneath the plate. Each person had to eat a piece of the apple and rate it, not knowing what type of apple they were eating. Then they posted their "ratings" on a posterboard. Then we had the boys average the score to see which apples got the highest marks. We then talked about which apples did we THINK we'd like and which ones did we ACTUALLY like. Kevin did an awesome job of relating that to people- sometimes we judge a book by its cover and don't open it up. Sometimes we don't a food because of the way it looks. Sometimes we look at a person and think we wouldn't like them but they have the potential to become our best friends! Thanks, B, for an awesome activity!
Marissa was feeling a little neglected in school and decided to create her own form of entertainment in the classroom closet. This is the decorative design she decided on. What you can't see are all the pictures she drew and tucked inside the chains.
Although we tried to duplicate the train Garett had seen in an ad from Bed, Bath & Beyond, when we made our homemade gingerbread houses we didn't quite get it the way Garett wanted. When we had a few extra minutes last week, we ran to the store to see if they had any clearanced by chance. Miraculously, they had ONE left- reduced to $1.99 (had been 19.99). Can you believe it? So, we had ANOTHER gingerbread train making party at home. Garett was thoroughly
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Food Service Worker
Tate got a cow's eye to dissect. It sat in the fridge for a few days until I could actually bring myself to do it with him. It was really not as bad as I thought it would be. I couldn't do any of the carving, but he did and he loved it and he was pretty good at it. It did not bother him a single bit! We learned very basic things- his favorite part was extracting the lens and actually seeing how it magnified words if he ran it over a page of writing. Isn't that cool? Marissa and Garett tried to help- but they could only take a few minutes of it. You can see from their expressions that it did not meet their level of comfort.