The Button Family
Monday, July 06, 2009
Grandma Button... patriotic!!!
The 4th of July parade in our village.
Little Man Nate thinking, "I'm thinking I want to eat but...."
Dinner is served!!!
Enke Family
We stole this picture of the Enke family (Kevin's sister in Boston) from Kevin's parents.
T-shirt making for the 4th of July. Grandma Button sure came through with the insect repellent contraption that you see on the table.
Riley looking for loot.
Buried treasure
The village hid 200 baggies of surprises and had the kids dig through the sand to find the "buried treasures". It was very fun!
Our village held a parade and picnic with all kinds of fun activities. This is The Button and Moore clans enjoying a free lunch in Island Lake on the Fourth of July.
Cousin Shelby horseback riding in Island Lake.
Marissa got to ride a pony at the Family Picnic in Island Lake.
Aunt B and Uncle Brad
Marissa celebrating the 4th of July!
Riley Roo
The Button and the Moore kids trying to figure out a smoke grenade.
Tate and Dad shooting hoops on the new basketball goal.
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