Saturday, April 05, 2008

Garett's 6th birthday

Tate's bird costume

Marissa's Easter Curls

Easter Huddle

This is my favorite image from Easter morning. The kids had gone through their baskets, sampling candy along the way, admiring their chocolate Easter bunny (Garett's special request!), and found their golden eggs. Then, I look over and they are huddling. When they were done, they started gathering candy into a pile for Kevin and me. They had decided to share their candy because surely we were disappointed at the Easter Bunny having forgotten us! They didn't feel it was fair for them to have candy and for us to suffer without it.

Dinner with Dad

Dad has started making dinner with the kids on Sunday nights. Tonight's feast was scallops and asparagus with a special reduction sauce. Oh- it was divine. The kids were not in love with the scallops but they were awesome sports and totally ready to do it again.

Homemade Easter Suckers


Garett and Marissa got in trouble for bickering with each other. I told them to write each other a note saying something nice to the other one. This was Garett's note. Marissa, I love you. I don't want you to get in trouble." That was the nice thing he had to say to Marissa! Ha!

Green Dinner preparations on St. Patrick's Day